The European biennial of contemporary art 11.6.–18.9.2016 Zurich, Switzerland
The Historical Exhibition: Sites Under Construction
«The Historical Exhibition provides the conceptual context to
the new commissions – highlighting the history of the
representation of work in different thematic ways.» Francesca Gavin, co-curator Historical Exhibition: Sites Under Construction
Michael Smith How to Curate Your Own Group Exhibition, 1996, Part of Do It, a series organised by The Museum in Progress, based on a concept by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Video, colour, sound, 2 min 58 sec, Courtesy the artist and Dan Gunn, Berlin
Susan Hiller, Inspiration and Drudgery, 1977–79, Porcelain fragments, typewriting, pencil, ink, photograph, 65.2 x 85 x 4.2 cm. Courtesy the artist and Lisson Gallery, London
Fernando Sánchez Castillo , Pegasus Dance: Choreography for Police Water Cannon Trucks, 2007, Video, colour, sound 11 min 28 sec. Courtesy the artist, Tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam and Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid